An Initiative can be changed later

Letter to the Editor by Mary Lu Kennelly, May 29 2018


There is a major error being made, and it needs to be corrected.

An initiative is not forever. The Farm Bureau and others are leading voters to believe that once an initiative passes, there is no way to change course. That is not only incorrect, it is trying to scare voters.

To amend an initiative is really simple: A majority of the Board of Supervisors proposes the change. The majority then polishes the language and submits it to be placed on the next ballot. The voters choose 'yes' or 'no', and that’s it.

The key ingredient is that, since the voters chose to pass the initiative, it requires a vote of the people to change the language.

That’s not scary. It just protects the right of the voters to choose.

Measure C may well be our only chance, as citizens, to protect our hills, our forests and our water supply. Recent actions by county government have shown us that we cannot fight to protect our water on an case-by-case permit basis, (The Walt Ranch) and that the present board refused to place the protections on the ballot when they had the chance.

Please vote 'yes' on Measure C. Be on the safe side.

Mary Lu Kennelly
